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The Geertekerk was built around 1255. The original building was a rectangular hall in the Romanesque style and had no tower. The church had a very sober exterior and was of the same dimensions as the nave of the present-day building. The external walls had a circular arched moulding at the top, the remains of which can still be seen in the northern and southern aisles. The present-day tower was added shortly after the church was finished. The decorative masonry suggests the tower was built in the thirteenth century. In the early fourteenth century the church was expanded to include a choir and transepts. The side aisles were added not much later. The original outer walls were converted into the pillars and columns still visible today. The church was given its present-day exterior in the fifteenth century, when the aisles were provided with doorways and a sacristy and chapels were built on either side of the tower (now used as clergyman's room/ecclesiastical office and cloakroom). The sacristy was provided with a brick cross-vault.

Points of interest

Location and route

Geertekerkhof 22